Sunday, October 30, 2011

After the first snow of the year: Rodney playable!

After the big snow of yesterday, there are just a few puddles left on Rodney Park... By 3pm, im sure it's playable - but bring a towel or something to dry up the last patches...
Hope to see you,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oct. 23rd - Game on! 3pm

Hey soccer afficionados!
We are four people so far...neeed some more.
Last week, there were twelve and we had a great game going!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Rodney Park! - Oct.16th 3pm

Game on! To the old fashioned email I sent out, 6 people already replied with two beautiful letters: i and n!
See you at 3pm!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Next Match: Sunday, Sept. 25th, 3pm

Let's see if the weather despite all forecasts permits us to play Sunday at Rodney Park South.
Leave word if you are attending under comments, below.
Let's see if this works.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

2.5 hours of 4-5 on Rodney. Highway: 2

Starting this blog since our email-list is a mess and people miss games since they didnt get an email...Well, from now on you can check here. Ivan suggested a message board years ago... but i guess we weren't internet savy enough back then... Below, find a couple of pix from past years!